Godzilla (1954) appears in the second installment of the Gigantic × DefoReal crossover! This is a completely new design that combines the unique level of detail and sculpting seen in the Gigantic series with DefoReal’s distinctive approach to design. Godzilla has been brought to life in this three-dimensional form that features Godzilla with a train clutched in its jaws and offers a different charm than the previously released DefoReal Godzilla (1954). Additionally, the trian can be swapped in and out! Don’t let this chance to experience this massive version of the first- generation Godzilla pass you by!
What is DefoReal? DefoReal is a series of models based on the combined concept of Deformed x Real. A combination of deformed and adorable designs of characters with elaborate texture and appearance that look and feel real.
What is the Gigantic series? As the name Gigantic suggests, this series involves developing and commercializing "gigantic" versions of existing and memorable characters. The Gigantic versions of these models have been designed specifically to be imposing in scale. Larger than any other series from Shonen RIC, the Gigantic series provides a high level of detail that rivals their on-screen appearances, along with deeper color palettes and grander presence.
Height: approx. 24cm Length: approx. 39cm
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